Moz:lla Phoenix Club JUET

A part of the network of Mozilla Campus Clubs inspired by the Mozilla Learning Network

Who Are We

We are the group of students with a passion for technology working together to build the open web at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology(Guna, Madhya Pradesh).


What We Do

We meet regularly to advance Mozilla's mission("to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all") by building and innovating on open source projects that keep the web open.


Past Events

MPCJUET aims to show the power of web. MPCJUET is about more than lending a hand. It’s about learning, collaborating and sharing your skills with the community of JUETians — coders, organizers, activists and more — who help shape the Web every day.
"Doing Good is part of our Code!"

Our Partners

JetBrains .tech RedBull applop

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